If you keep up with developing technology trends, you may have heard of NFC. But can this unusual technology help your business grow? It’s possible. Many businesses are using NFC technology to improve their business practices. And according to Blue Bite, 2.2 billion NFC-enabled smartphones will be in use in 2020.
Still — what is NFC? NFC stands for Near Field Communication. It is a subset of RFID technology that allows information to be transmitted wirelessly over small distances. NFC technology often takes the form of a simple sticker consisting of an antenna and a small CPU, containing information.
When an NFC-enabled device comes close to the sticker, it activates the antenna, which then activates the small CPU. The device can then read the information stored on the NFC device.
NFC Applications
NFC technology seems simple. But its power lies in its simplicity. As a result, businesses have harnessed it for a wide variety of applications.
Mobile payments have become a popular choice for many businesses. NFC payment options allow people to touch their phone or Smart Watch to a cash register to pay wirelessly. This option saves the hassle of pulling out a card and fumbling it into the reader. Apple Pay and Samsung Pay both allow consumers to purchase goods this way.
If you use wireless headphones, you may find it difficult to get your device to pair. Since NFC allows devices to securely store data and information, NFC-enabled devices can pair to each other with a simple tap. Similarly to eliminating the need for swiping a credit card, this option allows people to quickly and easily bypass the need for typing in long WiFi passwords.
Security and Password Replacement.
Remembering passwords is difficult. The physical storage on an NFC chip can eliminate the need for passwords by permitting physical touch to replace them. And, because NFC chips can be bound to specific users, they can be used to authenticate users of websites, apps, physical doors, locks and even car ignitions.
The Bottom Line
Does NFC have potential for your business? It depends. Big corporations like Amazon, Samsung, and Apple have all found ways to make NFC work for them, by pushing the boundaries of the technology. For smaller businesses, NFC is likely most useful as a subset of RFID. NFC tags can allow you to tag your products and have your devices communicate with one another — and while not as innovative as wireless payment, it can still be helpful if used correctly.
Vodigy specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses make better decisions about technology. Contact us today!