Of all the new technologies to shape the business world, AI is the most disruptive. Yet many small businesses are using AI, or Artificial Intelligence, to save money, time, and energy.
If your business hasn’t adopted AI yet, you’re missing out. Artificial Intelligence has become more widely adopted as costs have fallen, and ease of use has improved.
There are four key areas that experts say small businesses are using AI in.
1) Improving Sales with AI-Driven Marketing
Customized experiences have become a key component of effective marketing. And with AI to help, your small business can experience greater return on your marketing investment.
AI can help your business understand and digest marketing metrics to help you hone your marketing efforts. By feeding customer feedback, click-through rate, bounce rate, and more into an AI engine, you can get actionable insights — without spending time wading through data.
Then, you can use the saved time to refine and expand your marketing efforts.
2) Automating Customer Communications
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a secretary on-hand all hours of the day? With chatbots, you can save on personnel costs and gain increased coverage.
Chatbots are lightweight applications that use AI to interact with customers. They can recognize words to help provide customer solutions. Some common chatbot uses include answering frequently asked questions, providing contact information, and even driving sales.
Chatbots can help sell products by suggesting products based on keywords that the customer types.
Best of all, you don’t need a secretary or salesperson on hand to generate revenue.
3) Supercharging HR Tasks
Your Human Resources department costs a lot of money to run. And if you offload the tasks to a secretary or payroll, the tasks might not be getting done as efficiently as they should be.
AI can help make HR a more effective endeavor for everyone involved.
For example, when you’re hiring a new staff member, artificial intelligence can wade through all of your applications, choosing the ones that seem to match most closely with your criteria and discarding the rest. This simple action can save your hiring staff hundreds of hours of weeding out applicants.
Then, chatbots can help newly on-boarded employees answer questions about pay and benefits.
The end result? An HR department that can operate with less manpower and more efficiency.
The Bottom Line
AI has been accused of stealing human jobs, but that doesn’t mean that it should be neglected or ignored. Instead of replacing people, artificial intelligence can help people do their jobs more quickly and efficiently. B y using AI for marketing, communication, and HR tasks, your business frees up time and energy to grow.
Vodigy Networks helps small and medium-sized businesses in the Midwest use technology to make their business better. Contact us today!