From accounting software to project management software, and everything in-between, it’s likely that your business is relying on more than one program to complete day-to-day tasks.
But even if you’ve managed to weave more than one kind of software into your business’s daily routine — and even if it’s more efficient than relying on employees to complete tasks — you could still be losing time and money.
That’s because using different software can lead to misplaced information, lack of information access, and excess spending.
After all, don’t you wish you could access all of your pertinent business information through one program?
Thanks to systems integration, you can.
What is software systems integration?
According to Inverse Square, “software systems integration is the process of creating a framework that links all of your systems together, so data and intelligence can easily be shared.”
How one goes about integrating systems can vary depending on the size of your business. For small to medium-sized businesses, you can rely on an IT services firm to help you integrate your software and eliminate redundant software licenses. It’s entirely possible that one of the software solutions you currently use has more functionalities than you know about.
Otherwise, IT firms can create custom software that pulls in information from your other programs. These software’s typically rely on cloud storage and allow decision makers to access important information from anywhere.
Larger enterprise companies may rely on all-in-one software solutions like ERPs. ERPs, or Enterprise Resource Planning software, can be costly. But ERPs track most of a business’s functions, including everything from supply chain to human resource activities, and having a pre-made solution with a wealth of features justifies the expense.
More benefits of software systems integration
Easier reporting. Get faster, up-to-date insights on your business. Because integrated software systems can capture all the data that’s pertinent to your business, they can deliver insightful information more quickly. No more hunting around in Excel and writing custom code to join tables.
Improved communication. Integrated systems allow the decision makers on your team to access data from anywhere. What’s more, some integrated systems software allows for simple visualization and data presentation.
More time for customers. Once your business is free from spreadsheets, your employees won’t have to waste time digging for information. They can then use that extra time to address customer needs, which can improve business to customer communications and result in higher rates of retention.
Beyond software systems integration
While integrating software presents an exciting opportunity to increase your business’s efficiency, some businesses are going a step further and integrating all of their systems.
With the rise of internet-connected devices, or the Internet of Things, businesses have discovered the benefits of integrating their physical devices with software and the internet.
Now, automated devices can provide real-time insights on their maintenance status, their efficiency, and their status. Integrated software and devices are helping manufacturers, warehouses, and retailers improve efficiency by speeding up processes and lowering error occurrence.
Vodigy Software is a leading custom software company in Minneapolis and St. Paul. We work with businesses to implement custom software solutions that make operations simpler, faster, and more efficient. Contact us today.