A “vCIO” or virtual CIO is an outsourced version of a CIO (Chief Information Officer). Someone in this role performs the same duties as an in-house counterpart, but at prices that are easier for small businesses to manage.
As organizations expand, they need someone to help them plan and implement IT solutions to secure their business data, develop efficient processes, and meet their firm’s long-term objectives. These are all tasks that could be handled just as effectively by a remote consultant as by someone in your office.
Defining the functions of a CIO
Chief Information Officers or Chief Digital Information Officers provide strategic insight on which IT solutions, vendors, and practices are best suited for growing your company. This person is the middleman between the business and technology sides of an enterprise who must connect these two sides so that the company will reach its goals.
Specifically, a CIO should recommend IT budgets and resources, buy new equipment, develop and plan technology policies, analyze security concerns, and look for ways to get more money out of existing IT investments. A vCIO provided by a reputable managed IT services provider (MSP) will tackle these challenges with a technology roadmap that charts the progress of your IT years into the future.
This isn’t a one-time consultation. A vCIO should be reviewing and updating your roadmap at regular intervals to ensure that near-term IT project are on schedule and long-term plans stay in line with your evolving needs and goals. Think of a vCIO like a general for your IT. You’re in-house technicians or outsourced support provider are carrying out orders issued by the vCIO, who has a broader view of your position.
Most startups or smaller enterprises would build the Chief Technology Officer role over time. It may not be a full-time position in the early stages of growth and it’s definitely too expensive for companies with less than 25 employees. A vCIO gives you the same benefits right out of the gate, and has the ability to scale up over time.
Benefits of a vCIO
The most valuable perk of having a vCIO is having this person take an objective analysis of your company and then make IT-related recommendations for improving productivity and reaching corporate goals.
Cost efficiency
A vCIO is on hand anytime he or she is needed, minus the salary and benefits that come with a 40-hours-per-week employee. When the firm decides to hire a vCIO, you have access to the perks of having a CIO without having to add this professional to your wages for the meantime.
Expertise and knowledge
As your organization expands, so will the obstacles your CIO must overcome. The best vCIOs come from MSPs, since their teams are comprised entirely of IT experts. An in-house CIO would need to seek outside training, but those from MSPs need only to confer with their colleagues.
Virtual CIOs often work with a handful of clients, which means yours will be learning on the job outside of the tasks you request. This professional can help your IT department map out your firm’s technologies, and the resources needed to compete with companies that have bigger budgets or an in-house CIO.
Connect to a reputable vCIO today!
Between high-end cloud services and always-connected mobile devices, the internet has made it much easier and more affordable to get work done. Hiring a vCIO is the next step in that evolution.
Vodigy Networks can provide your business with a vCIO to serve as an IT adviser and senior executive. Our vCIOs are familiar with various technologies and IT platforms and will help your company achieve its goals through technology solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our other IT support services.