Go ahead and admit it, you like a good work-place related horror story. Whether it’s developing a fake accent as some sort of personal branding effort or just a list of truly thoughtless actions, we can sometimes be drawn to these stories like moths to a flame.
One does not have to dig deep to find some truly scary IT nightmares, especially when it comes to deciding who to trust with your IT infrastructure and technology. If you are considering in-house IT versus a Managed Service Provider (MSP) like Vodigy, there is some important information you need to know!
In-house dating systems
Time is money, there is almost no way around it. The allure of having on-site IT personnel can sound nice, especially when you are in a technical pickle and need immediate assistance. However, for a small or medium business (SMB) there is a lot of downtime to consider and sometimes, hiring on-site IT help does not make sense.
One employee took downtime to a whole new level. An IT manager with seemingly way too much time on their hands began hosting an entire dating site on their employer’s servers. The site was even complete with credit card processing!
Now, we would hope that people are not this nefarious on a regular basis but why take the chance? With an MSP like Vodigy, the reliability of 24/7 support is just a phone call or an email away!
Oooof, take a look at that overhead!
It will come as no surprise that one of the largest barriers to employing on-staff IT is the overhead cost of services. Not only are you paying for their expertise, but you are also paying the cost of a salary, insurance, and any other employee benefits. According to several soures, housing just two IT employees can cost around $160,000 per year and that is before the cost of employee benefits!
With an MSP like Vodigy, our services are based on a monthly charge per workstation. Not only are you receiving top-notch services at a cost-effective rate, but our services are also infinitely scalable to fit your exact needs. You will never have to worry about ‘what ifs’ of your growing team, Vodigy will always have a solution.
Expertise & extra checks
At Vodigy, not only do we have a robust system of checks and balances, but we have something that sets us apart from our competitors; VSCAN. VSCAN is a Vodigy unique service offering. It stands for Virtual Scan of Computers And Networks.
Automation is great but it unfortunately does not catch everything. With VSCAN, an experienced technician puts actual human eyes on your environment on a regular basis. This way we can identify trending issues that automated security may not catch. This way, we can solve issues before they start and avoid catastrophic situations altogether
There are some wildly knowledgeable technology experts out there (we employ a few of them!) but even the best in the business sometimes needs the support of a team to help get things done.
By utilizing an MSP like Vodigy, you are getting a whole team of experts with a wide range of knowledge. Our broad skill base allows us to solve a wide variety of issues with little or no interruption to your business.
Speaking of interruptions, we will take this moment to mention another cautionary tale –
A large professional services company based in Florida suffered a major data loss due to hard drive failure. Their IT team quickly got to work restoring the data from back-ups only to find that they had not been functional, for over three years. No one, not even personnel from the IT team, had bothered to check for that entire period!
In the end...
When it comes to the success of your business, let Vodigy do the heavy lifting. We will handle the technology so you can get back to doing what you do best.