Welcome one and all to pot-hole season in Minnesota! Even if it feels like a video game trying to weave from one side of the lane to the other, I’m sure many of us are enjoying the warmer sunshine, and a few extra breaths of fresh air.
With Spring always comes a renewed sense of motivation. Maybe you decide to rearrange the office, give your house a good deep clean, or embark on a new path towards physical fitness. Whatever you end up tackling this Spring, do not forget about the health and well-being of your technology infrastructure. It needs some TLC too!
Ditch the Winter layers, add security.
As professionals in the Managed Service Provider (MSP) industry, we could talk until we are blue in the face about Multifactor Authentication (MFA). This is because it is extremely important for businesses of any size. Cybercriminals do not discriminate when it comes to malicious deeds and your business could be next.
With MFA employed, hackers are not able to gain access to your private data even if your username and password are known. This way, cyberattacks can be mitigated before they even begin, thus limiting damage and potential revenue loss.
Keep it updated!
A few years ago, a Twitter user named Adrienne Porter perfectly described the vexation we have developed when it comes to software updates. She states “Ever wonder why people don’t update software? The latest version of Instagram includes a time-saving feature of crashing every time I open it.”
We all know that feeling. You may think things like ‘what is the point of all these updates’, ‘I don’t have time for this, I’ll do it later’, or ‘great, now my device isn’t working properly after an update’. Sure, updates can sometimes be frustrating, but they are not disseminated arbitrarily. Software updates are designed to provide users with the newest tools, the best security, and the most optimal performance. Ignoring updates can lead to glitchy applications, impeded function, and in some cases a major loss of revenue.
Don't let disaster recovery become a disaster itself.
Does your business have a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)? Having a DRP can make or break the continuance of your business if the worst were to happen.
Creating a DRP, especially with the support of an MSP like Vodigy, can be an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenal.
A glimpse into cybersecurity options.
Cybersecurity is all about the layers, but where to start?
Navigating cybersecurity for your small or medium business can seem like an overwhelming adventure, but it does not have to be.
Get Vodigy’s help surviving the technology jungle, read more here!
Preparation is everything.
It used to be a lot easier to protect your business. Going back centuries, protection meant knowing the right people, posting a night guard, or just simply having a good amount of cash. Now that commerce has moved well beyond the confines of a ‘brick-and-mortar’ set-up, your security needs to advance as well. More specifically, your cybersecurity.
You may be aware that recently CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) released a facts and preparedness sheet regarding the rampant surge in ransomware attacks. It is important to know that no matter size or type of business you own, you could be at risk.
Let's wrap this up!
Business technology will always continue rapidly expanding. Why not stay on top of it?
With Vodigy, you can expect the best. We utilize the most updated and reliable technology to help keep you on the forefront of your industry.